Joseph instructs his followers to gather evidence of how bad bad bad the Missourians were to the saints, such that eventually he can take those grievances to the president.
Polygamy is happening, just on the sly. Wife #3, Lucinda Harris has entered the timeline (probably).
Drink count - 0
Patron Bonus: Rob Porter is a BAD Mormon
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Brigham Young is leading the exodus of the Mormons from Missouri to Illinois while Joseph twiddles his thumbs in jail. Joseph feels his power slipping away and pens an epistle to his followers.
God is either loving or wrathful, the priesthood authority comes from that love/wrath, so priesthood authority is always love. Wait, what?
Drink count - 8
Patron Bonus: Amanda sleuthed at the ward house, and a missionary update!
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TRIGGER WARNING: Historical violence
In the aftermath of the Battle of Crooked River things continue to escalate. The saints living in Haun's Mill are massacred, and eventually Joseph and his BFFs are arrested. Brigham Young is now going to run the church while Joseph and the other important church leaders are sitting in jail.
Drink count - 2 beers
Patron Bonus: Marie ponders the dead and the survivors
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Episode 193: The Mormon War, Part 1
Joseph and the leadership of the church (minus Brigham Young) are in the Liberty Jail after they lost the Mormon War of 1838. How did they get there? Behold (drink!), part 1 of Bryce educating us all on the terrible decisions made by basically everyone in the fall of 1838.
Patron Bonus Episode: Marie and Bryce their adventures about Seattle
The Mormon War in Missouri, by Stephen C LeSueur
Drink count - whatever you want it to be