If you build a temple, they will come. *channels Field of Dreams*
Baptism for the dead is mentioned for the first time! It has to be done, but only AFTER the Nauvoo Temple is built, so give us all your resources to build that before we build houses for our own. No specific timeline, god understands that bad people may try to stop the Saints, don't worry about it.
Drink count - a LOT, plus a shot
Patron Bonus: Sister Missionary Action Figurines!!!!!!!
Mormonism is about to become entwined with Masonry. Joseph Smith now can say he's Joseph Smith Sr since his dad has passed away, which is kinda sneaky, but works. April 6 is Jesus's birthday, God
loves Hyrum Smith, and the Nauvoo House is decreed to be built. Obviously, it doesn't go as planned. Don't worry everyone, it'll all end up okay because heaven exists and if you die, that's where you go.
Patron Bonus Episode: Yet another religious figure gets handsy
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Joseph and his BFFs escape/bribe the guards to get out of jail and run off to a malaria-ridden swamp in Illinois. He heads to D.C. to take the saint's grievances to Pres. Van Buren, saving the passengers of a runaway coach along the way. Van Buren doesn't help them, so they start the trek back to Illinois.
John C. Bennett enters the timeline by becoming Joseph's unofficial second in command. He's a politician/lobbyest whose sway is critical in the creation of the city of Nauvoo. That Nauvoo charter grants Joseph some broad powers that will come in quite handy in the future (but we're not there yet). It's the episode where free will doesn't exist!!!
Drink count - 3
Patron Bonus: Frakkin' Bad Movie Ep 3 - Lorezno's Songbook
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Joseph and his BFFs escape/bribe the guards to get out of jail and run off to a malaria-ridden swamp in Illinois. He heads to D.C. to take the saint's grievances to Pres. Van Buren, saving the passengers of a runaway coach along the way. Van Buren doesn't help them, so they start the trek back to Illinois.
Patron Bonus: Bryce will be in SLC on March 30, 2018!